Eros & Thanatos

Eros & Thanatos

EROS e THANATOS. La sensualità nella statuaria del Cimitero Monumentale di Torino. Lontano dal rumore del centro cittadino, scoprite con noi le splendide sculture del CIMITERO MONUMENTALE di Torino, che hanno innegabilmente un tocco romantico. L’itinerario guidato si...
Reopening of the Chapel of the Holy Shroud

Reopening of the Chapel of the Holy Shroud

Closed for Nearly 3 decades, the Baroque Chapel of the Holy Shroud has just reopened in Turin. It survived an  infamous fire in 1997, the origin of which remains a mystery. It burned especially fiercely because the chapel, which had just been restored, was still full...
San Valentino tutto l’anno

San Valentino tutto l’anno

Eros e cibo sono strettamente legati … Abbiamo notato che il nostro tour gastronomico, con degustazioni in luoghi selezionati nel centro storico della città, piace particolarmente alle coppie, non solo forestiere, ma anche a quelle torinesi doc ! E‘ un...
10 Reasons why Turin

10 Reasons why Turin

After having visited Rome, Florence and Venice, for travelers interested in getting to know other remarquables Italian cities, Turin would be a good option.In the past Turin was merely associated with the automobile industry. In fact the city center is unbelievably...
Und plötzlich ist man verliebt

Und plötzlich ist man verliebt

Turins Schönheit schleicht sich langsam ins Herz: Ein verschnörkelter Torbogen, ein versteckter Innenhof mit romantischem Brunnen, ein barocker Balkon in Muschelform – es sind kleine Entdeckungen, nicht große Bauten, die den subtilen Charme der Stadt komponieren....
The NEW WEBSITE is on-line !

The NEW WEBSITE is on-line !

We are happy to announce that the new web site is on line. A state-of-the-art layout to improve the visibility of the pages from smart phones. A professional look for professional guides ! Anyway, not only the appearence has changed, we have also...